Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Getting dressed to help mom in the garden.

More of Hawaii

Our house

The best thing about it is our neighbours.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hawaii 2007

What a trip we are having! Granny Jean, John, Marina and I arrived at April 21st. Our friends Ron and Kathi Shaw and Donna and Keith Selin picked us up at the airport. Donna and Keith left the next day so we did not get to spend any time with them, but Ron and Kathi were here for a week. We had a great time with them! They rent the unit right across the hall from us, and leave their door open all the time. Marina spent her days and nights crossing between the two units (she would have moved in to their place if we had let her). My great friend Sherri and her friend Mike came to Kona for a week and we were able to spend lots of fun times with them. Mike has been a big part of Sherri's life for many years so it was great to finally meet him. Sherri now has Marina wrapped around her finger. Ron and Kathi left on the 30th of April and on May 01st Shawn Anderson and his fiancee Cindy moved in to their unit. We are having a great time with them, and desperately trying to break Marina of her habit of being a free spirit between to the two units. It has been SO relaxing, fun to see so many great friends, and special to have Granny with us. Life is good... Back to reality in one week.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Moira

This picture brings back a lot of memories...
Your birthday at least 26 years ago.
I remember your dress, I had the exact one but in mint green.

We hope you have a great day! We love you.
Hopefully Taylor did not leave your gift on the couch :)

John, Erin and Marina

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

This was an exciting Easter - Marina had a ball finding all the eggs that she decorated yesterday. The huge excitement started, when she discovered the little chocolate eggs and jelly beans. Happy Easter to everyone.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Marina and her good friend Calla at the pool.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Our week

We have had a busy week! Last Sat/Sun, Marina and I were out gardening and getting ready for summer. One neighbour was admiring her tulips ready to blooom, and another was thatching the moss out of her green lawn - it was a sunny beautiful weekend. On Wednesday afternoon, it started snowing and did not let up all night. I believe we had over a foot of snow! The town came to a complete stand still by Thursday morning - the power was out in many parts of town, all the schools were closed, and so were many stores. Marina's first dance class was cancelled. It is amazing the change that three or four days can bring. Today, there was no gardening, but "tubing" down the hill by our house instead - I can not believe it is April tomorrow.

These are a few photos from our week.

Lastnight, my hockey team held a fundraiser. They played a game against a group of locals. Entry to the game was by donation and all money raised was split 50/50 between the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Kidney Foundation. They raised over $2,500.00 in total. Great job ladies!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Wonderful World of Disney

They are amazing boys. I love just knowing that they are there, creating memories that will last their entire life.

I remember my trip to Disney Land as a kid. We were there for the 25th anniversary of the park. I was 8 or 9, Moira was 11 or 12. I locked myself in the washroom on the plane, Pirates of the Caribbean was my favourite ride, I got a beautiful Alice in Wonderland doll that Marina now has, I tried French Onion soup for the first time, and ate about a million orange juice popsicles. I remember that it was the end of March when we went - because my mom's birthday is the 30th, and I saved my money and took her and my sister to dinner - I was so proud to pay the bill.

I can't wait to hear all their stories when they get home.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dress Dilema

You may all recall that Marina "hates" dresses. This summer John's brother Bill is getting married. I recently bought her the cutest little dress for the wedding. I told her it was for Uncle Bill's wedding and that ALL girls wear dresses to weddings... didn't work. I bribed her with chocolate to try it on... that worked. She looks so adorable in it, but I have my doubts that she will actually wear it for the wedding. Tonight, we were playing dress up. She was the princess of course, I was her Prince. She wore this purple princess dress and cape and decided that THIS was the dress she would wear to Uncle Bill's wedding. I am hoping she will change her mind by July, if not... sorry Bill.

She had a birthday party this weekend, and like her own birthday in January - she refused to even entertain the thought of wearing a party dress. She said "but mom we are not getting married, it is just a birthday". I guess I should just be happy that it has seemingly sunk in that all girls wear dresses to weddings. I really do feel sorry for the lady that shows up to Bill and Kim's wedding in pants.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Thank heaven for little girls...

There is nothing more exciting for a mom than dressing up her little girls room. Marina has moved into a big girl bed, and this weekend I had a ball getting it all ready for her first big night. She is thrilled that Taylor has decided his new spot is at the foot of her bed. It was a bit depressing pulling apart the crib though, it reminds me of how fast she is growing.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Poppa's Doctor

While we were in Vancouver, Marina decided that she would be poppa's doctor. She really enjoyed taking his blood pressure and giving him medicine (aka - Cheerios). She understood that he was not well, but getting better. Today, dad has been admitted back into the hospital. His doctor calls it "housekeeping" - his new kidney is working very well, but his body is in a bit of shock that he has a good kidney. He can not get his low blood pressure/high blood sugar under control so they want him back in the transplant unit to monitor and help him. He has had amazing care - we are very lucky.

Home Sweet Home

We are home - and it sure feels good. There is nothing like your own bed when you are not feeling 100%. Marina is probably the happiest of all of us - she missed her dog, her toys, her routine. She enjoyed every minute of the time with her cousins, her Poppa, her Grandma, her Granny, her Aunts and Uncles. Auntie Chris, Uncle Jim and Casey - thank you for the side trip to Victoria, Marina had a great time. These are some photos from her time in Victoria and Vancouver.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


We have been in Vancouver for ten days now and as I am sure you all know everything is great. Marina has been an absolute angel. She has spent a lot of boring days at the hospital and hanging out inside but she has never complained and has made me really proud. She is enjoying her extra time with Me Me and Poppa.

Thursday night her cousins arrived from Stewart. Yesterday they all went to Toys R Us and spent some money they all had saved up. Thank you Ron and Faffie - your Christmas money was spent! They each got to pick out something (see photo). They spent the afternoon at Granville Island playing. This afternoon they are going to Science World, and Monday is the Aquarium and Stanley Park I believe. It has been nice for me too, knowing Marina is having some fun, it gives me a chance to relax at home and heal.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Cousin

I don't have a brother, but I know what it is like to have a little brother. I have a cousin that tormented me while growing up, as though he was my bratty little brother. He got into my "stuff", followed me around, mimicked my friends, yelled profanities into the tape recorder while we were singing our rock songs - all the things you would expect from a baby brother.

It is Shane's birthday tomorrow, and I am happy to report he has turned into a fine young man and is soon to be a father.

Happy Birthday Shaner - I am so proud of the man you have become, a little surprised - but definately proud. You are a constant reminder of Grandpa Sewell - and I mean that as nothing but a compliment.

We love you, and hope you have a great day!


When I was a little girl, one of my favourite stories to hear about my birth was that I was very jaundice - and incubated for several days. In her attempt to explain to a small child what jaundice was, my mother told me that there were two types of blood in my body when I was born, her's and my dad's, and they were fighting over who was going to be inside of me. After several days, my dad won, and we share blood types. I used to imagine a battle going on inside of me, and that my dad's troops emerged victorious. Who knew that some 35 years later that victory would be such a blessing.

We share blood, skin tone, eye colour, asthma, and stubbornness. On February 08th we will enter Vancouver General Hospital and six hours later we will share one more thing... a kidney. Dad has been on dialysis for almost two years and we are finally here! He embraced a complete change in lifestyle with grace and amazing persistence. He is truly my hero.

I am so proud of my dad - the next several months will hand him a lot of difficult days. He is a fighter though, and I my blood... my kidney is his ally - it has been for 35 years and I am confident we will once again emerge victorious.

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Marina turned three today. It is absolutely amazing to me that our baby is 3! She had a party at the Growing Space (a local drop in kids center) and so many of her good little friends were able to come - she had a grin on her face all day. We tell her on a daily basis that she is our princess - and I think today she truly believed that she was.