Saturday, March 31, 2007

Our week

We have had a busy week! Last Sat/Sun, Marina and I were out gardening and getting ready for summer. One neighbour was admiring her tulips ready to blooom, and another was thatching the moss out of her green lawn - it was a sunny beautiful weekend. On Wednesday afternoon, it started snowing and did not let up all night. I believe we had over a foot of snow! The town came to a complete stand still by Thursday morning - the power was out in many parts of town, all the schools were closed, and so were many stores. Marina's first dance class was cancelled. It is amazing the change that three or four days can bring. Today, there was no gardening, but "tubing" down the hill by our house instead - I can not believe it is April tomorrow.

These are a few photos from our week.

Lastnight, my hockey team held a fundraiser. They played a game against a group of locals. Entry to the game was by donation and all money raised was split 50/50 between the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Kidney Foundation. They raised over $2,500.00 in total. Great job ladies!


Anonymous said...

WOW..what a lot of snow!! Looks like you guys made the most of it, the tubing looks like too much fun!! How did poor Taylor manage?? Not long now and you will be leaving all that behind for sandy beaches, sun and Mai Tai's:)

Anonymous said...

Are you guys out enjoying the last April snowfall? Nice pics looks like your all having a ton of fun:D