Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dress Dilema

You may all recall that Marina "hates" dresses. This summer John's brother Bill is getting married. I recently bought her the cutest little dress for the wedding. I told her it was for Uncle Bill's wedding and that ALL girls wear dresses to weddings... didn't work. I bribed her with chocolate to try it on... that worked. She looks so adorable in it, but I have my doubts that she will actually wear it for the wedding. Tonight, we were playing dress up. She was the princess of course, I was her Prince. She wore this purple princess dress and cape and decided that THIS was the dress she would wear to Uncle Bill's wedding. I am hoping she will change her mind by July, if not... sorry Bill.

She had a birthday party this weekend, and like her own birthday in January - she refused to even entertain the thought of wearing a party dress. She said "but mom we are not getting married, it is just a birthday". I guess I should just be happy that it has seemingly sunk in that all girls wear dresses to weddings. I really do feel sorry for the lady that shows up to Bill and Kim's wedding in pants.


Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful dress.. I love purple, and the that just pulls it all together:)
I know now that I won't be wearing pants to the wedding:)
Love to all

Anonymous said...

Auntie Moira is sure that princess's can wear whatever they want, whenever they want!