Sunday, March 04, 2007

Thank heaven for little girls...

There is nothing more exciting for a mom than dressing up her little girls room. Marina has moved into a big girl bed, and this weekend I had a ball getting it all ready for her first big night. She is thrilled that Taylor has decided his new spot is at the foot of her bed. It was a bit depressing pulling apart the crib though, it reminds me of how fast she is growing.


Anonymous said...

WOW, what a great bed Marina!! I'll bet Taylor will love sleeping at the end of it:) I know that's Casey's favorite spot.
Sleep well!!
Love Auntie Chris

Anonymous said...

The bed is fit for a princess. Auntie Moira can't wait to come for a sleepover with you in your new bed. Have a great sleep, and hug Taylor tight. Love Auntie Moira