Saturday, February 03, 2007


When I was a little girl, one of my favourite stories to hear about my birth was that I was very jaundice - and incubated for several days. In her attempt to explain to a small child what jaundice was, my mother told me that there were two types of blood in my body when I was born, her's and my dad's, and they were fighting over who was going to be inside of me. After several days, my dad won, and we share blood types. I used to imagine a battle going on inside of me, and that my dad's troops emerged victorious. Who knew that some 35 years later that victory would be such a blessing.

We share blood, skin tone, eye colour, asthma, and stubbornness. On February 08th we will enter Vancouver General Hospital and six hours later we will share one more thing... a kidney. Dad has been on dialysis for almost two years and we are finally here! He embraced a complete change in lifestyle with grace and amazing persistence. He is truly my hero.

I am so proud of my dad - the next several months will hand him a lot of difficult days. He is a fighter though, and I my blood... my kidney is his ally - it has been for 35 years and I am confident we will once again emerge victorious.


Anonymous said...

Oh, sure, make me cry on a Saturday night. I'm so proud of having you for a sister-in-law:) What a great gift to give to your Dad..he'll never get a better!! This time next week, everyone will be feeling much better!!! What is it with kidneys and this family:):):)
On a more selfish note...CAN'T WAIT to spend some one on one time with your wonderful daughter.
Love to you all

Anonymous said...

It was yesterday morning when a friend said to me "You and Dad are going to Vancouver to give him your kidney?" I said "No, it is my sister who is giving him a kidney". He then said "She is more courageous than you?" and my reply was "You bet she is!" Erin is so courageous. Our father has endured some very difficult times in the past 18 months and has met them head on. He has kept his spirits up; and his wish is to see his grandkids grow up. It is Erin's gift of love that will enable that. We are looking forward to spending lots of fun years as a family together all of us. As my Dad said the other day "Make sure you're not using too many of those airmiles; I have lots of travelling to do!".
We will see you all in Vancouver on Wednesday evening. Love to All Moira

Anonymous said...

Erin....I'm cryin all over my keyboard.
Our thoughts, are with you, your Dad and family.
With Love
The Bertons

Puffer said...

Hey Erin