Saturday, February 03, 2007

Happy Birthday Cousin

I don't have a brother, but I know what it is like to have a little brother. I have a cousin that tormented me while growing up, as though he was my bratty little brother. He got into my "stuff", followed me around, mimicked my friends, yelled profanities into the tape recorder while we were singing our rock songs - all the things you would expect from a baby brother.

It is Shane's birthday tomorrow, and I am happy to report he has turned into a fine young man and is soon to be a father.

Happy Birthday Shaner - I am so proud of the man you have become, a little surprised - but definately proud. You are a constant reminder of Grandpa Sewell - and I mean that as nothing but a compliment.

We love you, and hope you have a great day!


Shaner said...

Wow what a great birthday wish!from such a great cousin who put up with such a brat!!! and still does till this day. and you must admit those shell hats are pretty sweet. love shane

Debbie said...

Hi Erin, John & Marina:
Erin I don't know where you find the time!! We had all seen this prior to your Mom calling. We are all thinking of you this week and wish you a quick recovery. Love you and wish we could be there (also to see Marina who is going to act like a 3 year old!!!).
Love Auntie Debbie & Rick