Saturday, January 20, 2007


Marina turned three today. It is absolutely amazing to me that our baby is 3! She had a party at the Growing Space (a local drop in kids center) and so many of her good little friends were able to come - she had a grin on her face all day. We tell her on a daily basis that she is our princess - and I think today she truly believed that she was.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Princess!

Anonymous said...

You get more beautiful every day.
Love you
Auntie Chris and Uncle Jim

Anonymous said...

Love the pics, especially the one of her with her Discovery friends. So glad you enjoyed yor special day,lil miss, cuckoo lala!!!

bobbiesgirl said...

HAPPY u..and boy oh i miss u...when r u coming to visit me..or better yet..lets make a date and i will take u for the afternoon..we will go coffee shop
glad u had a special day..obviously..u rocked on your special day..
love always