Saturday, March 31, 2007

Our week

We have had a busy week! Last Sat/Sun, Marina and I were out gardening and getting ready for summer. One neighbour was admiring her tulips ready to blooom, and another was thatching the moss out of her green lawn - it was a sunny beautiful weekend. On Wednesday afternoon, it started snowing and did not let up all night. I believe we had over a foot of snow! The town came to a complete stand still by Thursday morning - the power was out in many parts of town, all the schools were closed, and so were many stores. Marina's first dance class was cancelled. It is amazing the change that three or four days can bring. Today, there was no gardening, but "tubing" down the hill by our house instead - I can not believe it is April tomorrow.

These are a few photos from our week.

Lastnight, my hockey team held a fundraiser. They played a game against a group of locals. Entry to the game was by donation and all money raised was split 50/50 between the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the Kidney Foundation. They raised over $2,500.00 in total. Great job ladies!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Wonderful World of Disney

They are amazing boys. I love just knowing that they are there, creating memories that will last their entire life.

I remember my trip to Disney Land as a kid. We were there for the 25th anniversary of the park. I was 8 or 9, Moira was 11 or 12. I locked myself in the washroom on the plane, Pirates of the Caribbean was my favourite ride, I got a beautiful Alice in Wonderland doll that Marina now has, I tried French Onion soup for the first time, and ate about a million orange juice popsicles. I remember that it was the end of March when we went - because my mom's birthday is the 30th, and I saved my money and took her and my sister to dinner - I was so proud to pay the bill.

I can't wait to hear all their stories when they get home.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dress Dilema

You may all recall that Marina "hates" dresses. This summer John's brother Bill is getting married. I recently bought her the cutest little dress for the wedding. I told her it was for Uncle Bill's wedding and that ALL girls wear dresses to weddings... didn't work. I bribed her with chocolate to try it on... that worked. She looks so adorable in it, but I have my doubts that she will actually wear it for the wedding. Tonight, we were playing dress up. She was the princess of course, I was her Prince. She wore this purple princess dress and cape and decided that THIS was the dress she would wear to Uncle Bill's wedding. I am hoping she will change her mind by July, if not... sorry Bill.

She had a birthday party this weekend, and like her own birthday in January - she refused to even entertain the thought of wearing a party dress. She said "but mom we are not getting married, it is just a birthday". I guess I should just be happy that it has seemingly sunk in that all girls wear dresses to weddings. I really do feel sorry for the lady that shows up to Bill and Kim's wedding in pants.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Thank heaven for little girls...

There is nothing more exciting for a mom than dressing up her little girls room. Marina has moved into a big girl bed, and this weekend I had a ball getting it all ready for her first big night. She is thrilled that Taylor has decided his new spot is at the foot of her bed. It was a bit depressing pulling apart the crib though, it reminds me of how fast she is growing.