Thursday, October 19, 2006

Future NHL'er

We took Marina skating for the first time tonight. She loved it! After about five minutes she wanted us to let her go. I highly recommend the double blade starter skates that attach to their shoes for anyone that has a toddler wanting to skate. They help them stay steady on their feet - Marina had a ball. I am sure we will be public skating a lot this winter.

Uncle Blair - I hope Alexa is on the ice practicing - lets remember they are going to be line mates on Team Canada!

For those who have mentioned you can not leave a comment on our blog - I have altered it so that you do not have to have a blogger account to leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

I would like you to consider the possibility that your adorable daughter might choose figure skating over hockey. Just a thought...

Puffer said...

Hockey, Hockey, Hockey...
Looks like fun and unlike
my nephew her toes are protected:)