Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Family Day #2

"We all had trouble sleeping lastnight and awoke to a barking dog at 7:00am. We went to breakfast, packed and got ready for court. Auntie Moira quizzed us on questions that we thought we might be asked. Tatiana and Vladamir picked us up at 11:00am...

We passed an amoured truck with lots of soldiers - Tatiana said that they were transporting a prisoner from the courthouse. Our appointment was for 2:00pm, but court was late and we did not get in until after 3:00pm... We became a family at about 4:30pm. Vladamir our driver who had waited patiently by the car for so many hours broke into a big smile when we arrived back at the car. As soon as he was certain that court went well, he went to the trunk of his car and pulled out a beautiful mum flower for me...

We went for a celebration dinner and then to the drugstore to buy some things for you. We came back to the hotel and organized to bring you home tomorrow. There is a nice crib in our room just waiting for you to arrive. A lady at the front desk named Marina helped us to translate the directions on the Russian formula can. Mom made her first bottles tonight - I hope you like them! "

From our travel journal entry - October 25th, 2004. Two years ago today - we became a family. Family Day - October 25th - we will always do our best to be together. Today Marina was home from day care, mom and dad took the day off and we are having a ball. Lastnight Marina and I made a cake - she picked sparkle cakewith smartie icing. This morning we voted and the majority decided - it was cake for breakfast!

We went to the library and read some books, Marina was to select one to borrow and she picked a Wiggles Video! We had a great day, that included a desperately needed hair cut - lots of laughs and family fun. Two years - I can not believe it.


Puffer said...

Happy Family Day. It is fate that you have Marina. She is the best and so are her parents.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Chris!!! SUPER GIRL-SUPER PARENTS.