Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

What a fun night. Marina aka "Superman" did not take long to get the trick or treating system figured out. She had so much fun, and her big eyes got bigger with each candy that was dropped into her bag! Thanks to the Berton family for the costume, she had a great time showing her super hero muscles at each house we stopped at. Our Superman turned into SuperMONSTER at the end of the night - too much candy and excitement I suppose. So Happy Halloween to all our family and friends hope you all had a safe and fun filled night.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunny Prince Rupert

This post is for all our family and friends in the Burns Lake, PG area! Today was a beautiful sunny day in PR. Yesterday our neighbour even mowed his lawn! We had hot chocolate on the porch this afternoon - and to quote Marina "it was so delicious!"

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Grandma MeMe's Princess

At least it is more than a top hat mom!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Before and After

Family Day #2

"We all had trouble sleeping lastnight and awoke to a barking dog at 7:00am. We went to breakfast, packed and got ready for court. Auntie Moira quizzed us on questions that we thought we might be asked. Tatiana and Vladamir picked us up at 11:00am...

We passed an amoured truck with lots of soldiers - Tatiana said that they were transporting a prisoner from the courthouse. Our appointment was for 2:00pm, but court was late and we did not get in until after 3:00pm... We became a family at about 4:30pm. Vladamir our driver who had waited patiently by the car for so many hours broke into a big smile when we arrived back at the car. As soon as he was certain that court went well, he went to the trunk of his car and pulled out a beautiful mum flower for me...

We went for a celebration dinner and then to the drugstore to buy some things for you. We came back to the hotel and organized to bring you home tomorrow. There is a nice crib in our room just waiting for you to arrive. A lady at the front desk named Marina helped us to translate the directions on the Russian formula can. Mom made her first bottles tonight - I hope you like them! "

From our travel journal entry - October 25th, 2004. Two years ago today - we became a family. Family Day - October 25th - we will always do our best to be together. Today Marina was home from day care, mom and dad took the day off and we are having a ball. Lastnight Marina and I made a cake - she picked sparkle cakewith smartie icing. This morning we voted and the majority decided - it was cake for breakfast!

We went to the library and read some books, Marina was to select one to borrow and she picked a Wiggles Video! We had a great day, that included a desperately needed hair cut - lots of laughs and family fun. Two years - I can not believe it.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Future NHL'er

We took Marina skating for the first time tonight. She loved it! After about five minutes she wanted us to let her go. I highly recommend the double blade starter skates that attach to their shoes for anyone that has a toddler wanting to skate. They help them stay steady on their feet - Marina had a ball. I am sure we will be public skating a lot this winter.

Uncle Blair - I hope Alexa is on the ice practicing - lets remember they are going to be line mates on Team Canada!

For those who have mentioned you can not leave a comment on our blog - I have altered it so that you do not have to have a blogger account to leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Painting Pumpkins

Fall has arrived. The pumpkins were impossible to resist at the grocery store. Marina bought a bunch of small ones, and the other night we painted them. By the end of the art session she had almost as much paint on her as on the pumpkins. Stay tuned family - you may be the lucky recipient of one of the masterpieces!

Potty Time!

Who knew peeing on the potty could be so exciting and cause for such celebration. Marina is potty trained, with only the odd accident when life is too fun to stop for a pee. She seems to think that potty time is party time - and loves to share this experience with her friends. Chris happened to be that friend tonight and was lucky enough to be invited to the party.