Monday, August 28, 2006

Busy Weekend

Saturday we had a visit from Janet (our social worker)as it is time for her to file a report with the Russian Consulate on Marina's progress. Marina was really good, although the first words out of her mouth were "goo goo ga ga" (she has just recently started with the "baby" talk.) She then told Janet that she was too shy to talk - that lasted about five minutes and then we could not shut her up! Marina is really into playing with babies right now. Her special baby is named Russia and I am "grandma" and John is "grandpa", so she was explaining all of this to Janet. Janet said she was very happy with her progress, that her vocabulary is fantastic for her age, as is her actually understanding of what is being said. Marina was 9.5 months before she even heard an english word, it is sure hard to believe that when you hear her talk now. Since I have no recent photos worth sharing I have added this shot because of its sentinmental value to us. The very first photo we took of Marina about five minutes after we had met her. It seems like so long ago now.


Puffer said...

I love that picture.
It's my favourite.
Ok she is one of my favourites too.
Happy Labour Day weekend.

Anonymous said...

This photo always brings a tear to my eye and a jump to my heart as it was the first time we all met Marina and the joy I felt when seeing that picture can never be duplicated.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is Oh My she is just too cute!!!