Saturday, January 20, 2007


Marina turned three today. It is absolutely amazing to me that our baby is 3! She had a party at the Growing Space (a local drop in kids center) and so many of her good little friends were able to come - she had a grin on her face all day. We tell her on a daily basis that she is our princess - and I think today she truly believed that she was.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all. The three of us celebrated the New Year at 7pm lastnight, as Marina was in bed by 8pm. She had a busy day yesterday that included her first movie! I took her to see Charlotte's Web. She really enjoyed it, although I rather suspect it was the popcorn and candy that was the major attraction! We bought party hats and horns and danced to Barney for an hour before bed, that was just enough to do her in. This photo was actually taken during my last trip to Stewart. Marina and her cousins were hanging with Uncle Jim for the afternoon. They ended up in the bar drinking Shirly Temples from shot glasses and playing Keno and pull tabs! The things that will happen when you are the children of hoteliers!