Saturday, December 30, 2006

Our Christmas

It was perfect. We cooked our turkey on Christmas Eve, and had our friends Kevin and Sheryl and Mike over for dinner. Too much food, too much wine but lots of fun. Christmas day started with Marina sleeping until 9am (thank you Santa!). She was thrilled with the kitchen that Santa brought her. Our neighbours Bruce and Betty or - Grandma Betty and Poppa Bruce if you ask Marina, came for Christmas brunch. The day was extremely relaxing. We went to our friends Travis and Lani's for Christmas dinner where we enjoyed the company of about 18 other people it was a nice end to a perfect day. Boxing day consisted of more food, more wine.... and more visiting. We spent the evening with our good friends Steve and Shelly and their kids Jessie and Chiara. Jessie and Chiara had several friends over and Marina was in her glory with the older kids (they are all college age). They showered her with attention! Soon, it is back to reality... less food, less wine. I definately think we will wait until January 2nd for that though.

Happy New Year to you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my she is just too cute. Loving the pics. Looks like she had a super Christmas!!!