Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Marina and I went to Stewart for a week to spend some time with my family. Marina had so much fun with her cousins. These pictures are of kids on the snowmobile track they have around mom and dads house and out the back. Wyatt and Lane each have their own machines and I was amazed to see how good they are at handling them. Marina rode on the back with Wyatt (keep in mind he is 4 and she is not yet 3!) and they had a ball! She held on tight - and Wyatt went slow so not to scare her. I couldn't help but laugh everytime they passed because they are so tiny! It was so cute. Lane took me for a ride on his machine - I felt like a kid again. I had forgotten how much fun it is.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow....

We had snow! This is Marina's first snow man of the year. She had a ball building him, his first nose became her "snack", and she was not so sure that she wanted him to wear her hat. Now that he is built, she is spending lots of time looking out the living room window at him. What a treat to have the snow stick around. He has survived two days!

Fuzzy Red Socks

When I was a kid I was having nightmares that snakes were biting my toes while I slept. My dad came to my rescue one night during a snake attack, and told me that snakes hated fuzzy red socks (I happened to have a pair in my sock drawer) and that if I wore them to bed, I would be safe. I wore fuzzy red socks to bed for a VERY long time after that. Marina has just taken to wearing socks to sleep - no snakes in her dreams but socks are the new fad. I thought of you the other night dad when the socks happened to be red...

Thursday, November 09, 2006


They are Marina's favourite boys! She constantly talks about her cousins. We don't see them nearly enough. This is a picture of them searching for the perfect Christmas tree! Their tree always looks perfect so they are really good at their job.