Sunday, September 24, 2006

Block Party 2006

September 16th - the block party of all parties! 4th Avenue West held a rocker. The weather was perfect, we had food, drinks, a bouncy castle for the kids, an AWESOME band and so much fun! Fantastic way to meet all your street neighbours. By all accounts everyone had a great time and the planning for "Block Party 2007" has already begun...

Update - So I have absolutely no idea how to make these photos larger - any help? Chris? This has been sitting as a draft on my blog for awhile now, so I am posting it as is - sorry!

Marina's new buddies

We have a group of Stellar Jays that have decided our back yard is a great place to hang. Marina has been leaving peanuts out on the gate every morning on our way to school/work and she is fascinated that they are gone when we get home. Today she put her peanuts out and then sat on a chair and watched the Jays come and pick them up - she was so excited to actually see what was happening to her peanuts. To top it off, there were a couple of big deer in the back yard eating the grass - what a show!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


It is hard to believe it is almost over. Summer is a busy time for us, disappointing that we do not get away more during the summer months. No camping this year, that is a bit depressing. We are already booked for one month in Hawaii from Feb. 17-March 17th, so that will help me feel a bit better about missing summer! Marina was in day care full time and was able to get outside a lot. This photo is our afternoon at the carnival a few weeks back. She was afraid of the rides at first, but one trip on the Ferris Wheel with mommy and she was hooked! She rode all the kiddie rides by herself, ate cotton candy, won a stuffed toy all by herself, and got to pee in the grass because she could not hold it (I actually think that was her favourite thing)

We enjoyed a ten day visit with Chris and Jim in early September - They were able to spend tonnes of time with Marina. Chris cooked for us every night (I am calling her my wife now) and Jim did lots of odd jobs for us. It was so great to see them, and for Marina to have such quality time with them.