Saturday, July 15, 2006

Poop - glorious poop!

Define a true friend... today my friend Chris reminded me what a great friend she is. I had invited her for breakfast. John was out fishing with his brother Bill, and Marina and I were home alone. She accepted and arrived at about 9am. The three of us had breakfast, and great conversation. It is what happened after breakfast that is the significant part of this story. Marina had left the table to watch Christmas Barney (yes, even in July!) and Chris and I were sitting in the kitchen. Mid conversation - I realized that the family room was awfully quiet. No christmas carols being sung, no noise at all. Further investigation found Marina with her hands in her pants - she pulled a piece of poo out of her pants and presented it to me like one would present a trophy that had just been won. I must admit it has been many months since she has activated my gag reflex - today, she did just that! I whisked her away to the bathroom to clean up as best I could, and we immediately flew upstairs to have a bath. Chris was downstairs, upon further inspection of the play room - she discovered that the poop had not only been a trophy, but also a new form of finger paint and the door was Marina's blank canvass! Chris took it upon herself to clean up the play room - no sign of poo when we emerged from the bath. THAT is a true friend! :)

1 comment:

Puffer said...

Awwww. I will clean up poo anytime.
8 years of infant and toddler care
has trained me well.
I also clean up vomit.
I think I should of been a nurse.
It was a yummy breakfast.
Ur a good friend 2.