Friday, May 04, 2007

Hawaii 2007

What a trip we are having! Granny Jean, John, Marina and I arrived at April 21st. Our friends Ron and Kathi Shaw and Donna and Keith Selin picked us up at the airport. Donna and Keith left the next day so we did not get to spend any time with them, but Ron and Kathi were here for a week. We had a great time with them! They rent the unit right across the hall from us, and leave their door open all the time. Marina spent her days and nights crossing between the two units (she would have moved in to their place if we had let her). My great friend Sherri and her friend Mike came to Kona for a week and we were able to spend lots of fun times with them. Mike has been a big part of Sherri's life for many years so it was great to finally meet him. Sherri now has Marina wrapped around her finger. Ron and Kathi left on the 30th of April and on May 01st Shawn Anderson and his fiancee Cindy moved in to their unit. We are having a great time with them, and desperately trying to break Marina of her habit of being a free spirit between to the two units. It has been SO relaxing, fun to see so many great friends, and special to have Granny with us. Life is good... Back to reality in one week.